In this age of modernization and globalization, it is indubitably true that the advancement of technology has greatly changed our life in different aspects. There are many advantages that are given to us by these modern technologies and it is good to be able to use it in ways that will benefit everyone. Health is important to everyone as without it, many are not able to enjoy life comfortably and live life in a constricted environment. Modern technologies are beneficial to us in this area. The constant upgrade on the functions of technology in this era has produced some causes and effects on our health.

Photo by Louis Reed on Unsplash
Modern technology that are updated and improved in this era are able to track our health care effectively. Many companies had taken the effort to create apps that are simple yet effective to enable us to track our health care easily. Apps such as Doc2Us, TeleMe and Doctor2U are created for the purpose to help others to know their health condition. There are health care services that are provided online so that many are able to contact them just by a simple phone call to get to know more about their health. Websites such as and are constantly available for consultations through chats and calls for those that are at home. With all these possibilities that are available in our society now, we can be constantly updated with our state of health easily and effectively.
These modern technologies ensure that everyone is able to constantly know the state of their health anytime and anywhere. They do not have to spend money on transport and waste time to travel to the hospital for medical check-up. They don't need to take the effort to go all the way to the hospital just for a simple check-up that you can know with the help of the apps that are created for this purpose. They do not have to worry about suddenly contracting a severe illness as the result of their lack of knowledge on their own health. As they are updated with their condition of health constantly, they will be able to know what to expect in the future depending on the condition of their health. This will be able to help us lessen the sudden happenings of attacks caused by sickness because we know the condition of our health constantly.

Photo by Olga Guryanova on Unsplash
Moreover, the introduction to new and advanced technologies certainly has impacted our society in terms of our productivity. The invention of latest technologies such as smartphones and tablets have made people of all ages less active when it comes to outdoor activities. With the increase in the variety of modern-day gadgets, society nowadays don’t feel the need to take part in outdoor activities as they are too involved with indoor activities or events such as streaming video games, binge watching tv series as well as getting themselves involved in various social media platforms. Compared to 5 or 10 years ago, the technological advancements have made everything accessible without having to leave our comfort zones. This eventually causes people to be less interested to step out the house and take part in recreational activities which broadens our mindset as well as maintaining a good health. Hence, this will lead to many positive and negative effects to the health and welfare to people of all ages.
Having said that, these effects caused by technology towards our health can be dangerous and may bring many negative side effects. Firstly, one of the most obvious of effects is the increase in the rate of obesity in the country. The lack of productivity from indoor activities due to technology causes a higher consumption of food and drinks which proves to be the main reason as to why the rate of obesity is constantly escalating. This can be proven by a recent research done by the American Academy of Pediatrics(APA) which shows that the rate of obesity has increased by around 35% in 2019 compared to 2015. Furthermore, the decrease in productivity towards children can be more impactful as they began to have behavioral and sleeping problems at a very young age. This is due to the effects of excessive exposure to screen time which drains out our energy mentally causing them to have unstable sleeping patterns. This clearly shows that technological advancements have made a huge impact towards the health and productivity of our modern-day society. Therefore, it is always best for parents and caregivers to designate media-free times and to instill a hobby or any sporting activities as this will keep our minds active and healthy.
As a conclusion, facts speak for themselves and it is true that technology has brought along many causes and effects in the aspect of our health. From playing video games to climbing mountains, it is the always identical when it comes to maintaining a good balance as nothing is more important than maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Even though we live in a modern and constantly evolving society, we must take note of the causes and effects of a substance, event or anything we’re involved in to truly gain the benefits which will eventually lead to a brighter future.
Written by Amanda Lee, Kishan, Fionna Lee and Heather Tan.